How to Upscale Your Marketing Skills on Instagram

How to Upscale Your Marketing Skills on Instagram

Published on 2nd of January 2024

In 2023, Instagram marketing becomes broader than just posting a nice pic with a five-word caption and some hashtags. The Gram keeps evolving as the strategies of growing a popular page change over time.

Social media has become a huge part of how businesses operate and get their messages out to the public. It's increasingly becoming more about captivating visuals, so professionals need to read up on these new trends, take a crash course, or learn new skills.

So, this article aims to provide you with information on where to begin. We'll be providing you with steps and some tips on how to improve your Instagram marketing skills. Make sure to follow the steps mentioned below to see great results!

Instagram remains a billion-dollar market for brands and the work-from-home trend has only helped to increase the time people spend on the platform. Here’s how you can improve your reach and brand influence on the Gram:

1. Upgrade to a business account

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While it's true that IG is a great way to have an online presence and market your products, without having a business account, you can’t grow your brand and establish a unique audience for yourself.

So, the first step to upgrading your IG marketing skills is to learn how to best use a business account. It's advisable to switch from a personal account to a business one if you haven’t already—this makes your brand marketing as effective as possible.

Also, take into account additional tools like Insights, Ads, and CTAs on your profile - they're a great way to help boost your business’ presence and reach. When used correctly, they can provide additional opportunities for you and help increase visibility for your brand.

Switch to a business account now to optimize your page, get access to paid advertising, and enjoy the great features of the platform.

2. Establish a niche

It's always best to have your marketing goals and actions clear before you start engaging on social platforms like Instagram. When you know what your goals are, it’ll be easier for you to grow your following and stay consistent in posting high-quality content.

  • What service or value do you want to offer people?
  • What do you want to achieve from IG marketing?
  • In how many months do you want to achieve these objectives?

When you clearly define your aims, you can take strategic steps toward fulfilling them by implementing the right techniques. Do you want to sell a product or service, or do you want to create brand awareness? These are important questions that require specific answers.

3. Know your target audience

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As an IG marketer, it's important to have your target audience in mind and know what skills to push - this will help to effectively drive your marketing strategy in the right direction.

Take some time to figure out who this particular group is and what type of content they interact with most. You can get some help with that by doing some research—and you need to know other details like their locations, when they're most active on the app, etc.

All this information helps you scale your marketing skills, ensuring that you learn new things to make your posts get to the right audience.

This will be an added advantage when the time for Instagram Ads comes, as you can efficiently personalize your ad campaigns.

4. Optimize your profile

You want your IG profile to create a great first impression of your brand, so it's important that you make a good one.

Don't over-commit, though - just ensure it gives enough information on what your brand entails and what to expect from you. Your profile is just you giving someone a reason to follow your page.

Beyond the 150-characters description on your bio, a business account gives you additional space to preach the gospel of your brand:

  • A tab to include your website URL
  • A tab to specify your business category
  • A call-to-action tab - a means for your audience to constantly interact with you

These are as important as your username or profile name. (Here’s an article to help you craft a killer Instagram profile bio.)

5. Include great captions

Captioning your IG posts is a pretty key part of marketing. It's not just about posting clear images - it's also about dictating an engaging and compelling caption that makes people want to engage further.

Your captions have to be consistent, compelling, and educational or entertaining. Most importantly, always relate your captions to the brand it represents.

It's advisable to keep it within a limit of 150 characters. The first two lines should be catchy and compelling because they’re the only bits that show up in the feed without clicking “… more”.

To add, always end with a powerful call-to-action telling your audience what you want them to do after viewing your post - so learn to direct their actions persuasively.

It can be very tempting to repeat captions, but this is a big NO! Avoid repeating captions on your posts to ensure your audience has something fresh to see and continually anticipate upcoming captions.

6. Embrace Instagram Reels

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Since Instagram released its Reels feature, it has become a vital means of engaging your followers. The idea is to make a habit of creating short, interesting videos based on your audience’s interests.

It doesn't have to be anything serious - in fact, to rank well, it seems your reels have to be rather light-hearted. It could even be a sneak peek into the production process of your product or a brief talk with your brand's employees.

Instagram Reels is simply a creative tool to further engage your audience through short and sweet videos. Just make your Reels relatable, realistic, and very consistent - these points significantly improve your post engagement on the Gram.

7. Create a schedule

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For your brand presence on Instagram, it's vital to be consistent. Consistency allows followers to know when they can expect new posts, which is essential for reach and engagement.

The idea is to create a well-informed schedule for your posts—it could be daily, twice a week, three times a month, or whatever suits your brand. And while you’re at it, you should also establish a plan for your Reels.

Now, you can employ Instagram stories for daily engagement with your audience. Use stories to keep followers up-to-date on the daily affairs of the business and the business owner (or marketer). This way, they can relate to the brand they love and the face behind it.

With the progression of Instagram, the significance of marketing on it is only growing. But as social media continues to become more sophisticated, businesses and creators need to keep on upgrading their skills and knowledge constantly.

All in all, we're certain the above steps will help improve your Instagram marketing skills and bring about evident results, so go ahead and try them out today.

Article by Blastup

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