How to Convert Your Social Media Information Into Effective Data

How to Convert Your Social Media Information Into Effective Data

Published on 14th of March 2023

Your social media content is the soul of your social media marketing plan and, no matter what people say, will make or break your success. Whether it’s communicating your brand’s identity or helping you connect with your target markets, content is integral to amplifying your presence on such channels.

So, the following questions arise:

  • What steers your KPIs?

  • How exactly does your audience feel when they come in contact with your content?

  • What spurs great likes, shares, link clicks, etc.?

  • And how can you keep up with creating new content that repeats this feat?

Fortunately, it's possible to find the answer to these questions in your social media profiles. The question is, how do you uncover the answers from your social media information?

Well, today, let’s look at the best means to do that by converting your social media information into valuable data.

Marketing professionals that use data to develop social media content are much more successful. Thankfully, only a few marketers do this, so if you can take advantage of your data, then you'll stand out from the competition.

Social media information isn’t just about quantifying whether you achieved your objectives. It includes discovering what will provide the best outcome. From there, you're able to turn those insights into compelling content.

It’s all about how well the information helps you develop content that resonates with your audience. Your posts have to "stick" with the audience, so you can highlight your competitive advantage and make yourself stand out.

When used effectively, your social media information can give you all that. Let’s find out how.

1. Determine your metrics

In other words, ensure the content is tailored to the purpose of your project. It's not enough that it seems plausible or even entertaining; focus on what’s going to help your goals most directly.

You should always make a goal alongside measurable metrics when you start creating new content. Without these, it’ll be challenging to measure the success of your new campaign.

The idea is to know what your purpose and objectives are and then determine your metrics. They will be helpful in future developments.

2. Point out high-ranking posts based on goals and metrics

To effectively utilize your social media information, it all begins with your high-ranking posts.

A simple way to gauge the effectiveness of your content is to examine what goals and metrics you set in the beginning. Make sure you track all your data using appropriate analytics tools.

Doing this will also help you sort through key performance indicators and discern which topics need more attention.

For example, to launch a new and improved product or service, think about your last product launch and the content you used to anticipate and promote it online.

This is what the analysis should entail:

  • Examine what made your audience engage and propel those KPIs

  • Did you employ abrupt CTAs, or were they more explicit?

  • What kind of productive assets did you use, and what was their impact on your audience’s reactions?

  • Were there any innovations with your content format, or do you continue with a tried-and-true technique?

All of these will help you create an adaptable content framework and reproduce your achievements.

3. Examine your low-ranking posts

person using MacBook AirEnsure that you avoid creating content that has little-to-no usefulness to your target audience. It will always lead to a lose-lose dilemma.

To avoid these kinds of content, you must be aware of what your audience wants. You can do this by checking out their favorites and their posts on your social media outlets.

Almost half of the customers unfollow a brand if the content is irrelevant. So, look through posts that are low-performing to figure out why they're doing poorly. Avoid the same mistakes, so customers don’t unsubscribe.

Check here for more mistakes your brand might be making.

4. Look beyond the engagement

Working simply by the metric of what content receives the most engagement is a narrow way to meet your goal.

Engagements don't tell you everything about your potential and existing audiences. You need to explore the deeper levels of what's behind their interest, i.e., their sentiments and emotional motivators.

When using media like LinkedIn and Facebook, notice reactions that aren’t just “likes.” Other reactions like comments, shares, and saves give you a clearer view of what birth such engagements.

The comment section remains the most important place to dive deeper. Be on the lookout!

Further, engagement rates help show the relevancy of your content. More so, it helps you know how engaged your audience is with what you're posting. You need relevance, and to tell if something is relevant or not, you want to look beyond raw views & likes—look at engagement rates as well.

Savvy marketers understand the essence of extra doses of information about their viewers.

5. Get insights from data provided by analytics tools

More than half of social marketers place their focus on boosting their web traffic. Note that link clicks remain massive proof that your content is generating traffic.

Analytics tools will enable you to go deeper and stimulate fresh social content from your findings.

As a prime example, Google Analytics also provides you with:

  • A breakdown of individual web page views

  • Traffic referrals

  • Conversions

  • Page value, etc.

Don’t limit your attention to high-ranking and low-performing posts. Employ social listening data as well.

With social listening, you can discover suitable trends, issues, and topics that work with your target audience. From there, you can step in, be a part, and derive tangible content.

With some listening tools, you can employ Topic Templates to establish and keep track of conversations related to your brand. After setting up your topics, filters, and keywords, you receive additional granular details. These details will assist you in creating more engaging social content.

7. Your competitor's data is as important as yours

Often, companies have different strategies for what they want to do. Regardless of your process, understanding your competitors well is essential to find an advantage or niche in the market. Social listening tools are always helpful for finding that competitive edge.

Follow a competitive analysis theme for your listening tool. That will lead you to crucial keywords, content themes, and hashtags spread across different conversations involving your competitors.

You can filter by a competitor, content type, or sentiment; from there, you can define what content resonates among your mutual audiences. Also, you can identify shared customer pain points, which will form the basis of future content.

All this information about your competitor will allow you to take the lead. By looking at social profiles, you'll find different ways to promote your business that are potentially more effective than what they're doing.

The goal is to stay relevant and effective

Stay up to date with your audience, as their preferences change constantly. You also want to think about how your business will be affected by these changes and how you can stay relevant.

Ultimately, you can only get better by staying relevant to your audience and consistently utilizing social media information. You will always find new ways to develop effective and inspired social content.

Article by Blastup

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