The Top Ways to Get More Instagram Story Views

The Top Ways to Get More Instagram Story Views

Published on 9th of January 2024

If you're not already capitalizing on Instagram Stories, you should consider including it in your marketing strategy. It has various interactive features, so it's an effective way to drive engagement. In addition, it gives your brand a more 'human' touch and lets you connect and build trust with your audience.

However, that doesn't mean it's a magical solution to your marketing woes. You must have a sound strategy if you want the format to work for your brand. To help you, here are some tips that will get you more views on your Instagram Stories.

Create Stories That Resonate With Your Audience

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You can be as creative as you want with your Stories, but you must also keep your audience's interests in mind. What do they want to see from you? What kind of content will resonate with them?

One of the best ways to figure out what your viewers like is by checking Instagram Insights. It provides various metrics to help you gauge your Stories' performance, including impressions, reach, likes, and replies. Identify your best-performing Stories, analyze what went right, and try to replicate the success in your future posts.

Provide Value Through Your Stories

To get more views on your Stories, they must provide your audience with value. Instead of repeating content you already have on your feed, show them something they haven't seen. That way, they have the incentive to keep checking back on your Stories. Here are some creative ways to give your Stories value.

  • Showcase Your Customers

    Show your customers you value them by featuring their testimonials, positive reviews, posts, and Stories. Not only will they feel appreciated, but you're also adding social proof to your brand. When people see that others enjoy your products or services, they'll be more likely to purchase from you.

  • Employee Takeovers

    You can use Stories to introduce your team to your audience and give them a bit of the spotlight. By putting faces behind the business, your brand will seem more personable. At the same time, your employees will feel seen and appreciated. You can even let your employees take over your Stories for a day.

  • Show What Goes on Behind the Scenes

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    People are nosy, and they love transparency. You can satisfy both needs by posting behind-the-scenes clips in your Stories. If you make your items by hand, you can show your audience your creative process. If you're a content creator, you can give a glimpse of how you take your photos and edit them.

  • Run Exclusive Contests

    Reward your viewers and keep them coming back for more with exclusive Story contests. You can make it more enticing by giving away something your audience will find interesting and valuable. It can be a discount code, voucher, or free subscription to your service.

  • Share Valuable Content From Other Brands and Creators

    You can make your Stories even more valuable to your audience by reposting insightful or informational content from other brands and creators in your niche. Not only will it save you from constantly churning out new content, but it will also help you build connections within your industry.

Use Interactive Stickers on Your Stories

When the Instagram algorithm sees that a Story is getting lots of engagement, the Story gets pushed to the front of the queue so more people can see it. One of the best ways to get your followers to engage with your Stories is to put interactive stickers on them, whether a quiz, emoji slider, or poll. People love to give their two cents, and these stickers let them do just that.

The "Add yours" sticker is particularly great at driving engagement. You can use it to start a trend your viewers can join. You can keep the ball rolling by reposting their Stories and reacting to their contributions.

Find the Best Times for Your Stories

Stories expire after 24 hours, so you have to give them the best chance at maximum exposure. Time your Stories when your audience is most active on the app so that you're not wasting precious hours. On Instagram Insights, you can see the days when your followers are most active and their most active times per day.

Another tip you can try is to post a new Story on the 22nd or 23rd hour of the current one before it ends. Instagram will automatically give your series of Stories a boost. No one knows why but it's something the algorithm does.

Provide Calls-to-Action

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CTAs aren't just for in-feed posts. You can also add them to your Stories to encourage your audience to keep watching. If you've included a lot of text, you can leave a "hold to read" CTA so they won't miss anything important.

If you have a series of Stories, you can put a "tap for more" CTA to let your viewers know there's more. You can even include instructions like "prepare to take a screenshot," "turn your sound on," or "get ready to tilt your screen" to build excitement for the next Story. Simple CTAs can stop your viewers from swiping next or tapping out.

Promote Your Stories in Your In-Feed Posts

The great thing about Instagram is that there are many opportunities for cross-promotion. To help you get more views on your Stories, you can promote them on your in-feed posts if you get good engagement in this format. With an eye-catching image and an engaging caption as a teaser, you can lead your audience to your Stories, where they can find more in-depth information about your product or a topic.

Take Advantage of Story Trends

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If you see Story trends related to your field, take advantage of them and join the bandwagon. Because there's already interest in the topic, you'll find it easier to boost your views. In addition, it's an effortless way to stay relevant to your audience and build a close connection with them.

The Bottom Line

To see your view count go up, it pays to put extra thought into your Instagram Stories. Your audience will be excited to watch you when you make your Stories engaging and valuable for them.

Article by Blastup

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