How to Find the Next Influencer to Work With on Instagram

How to Find the Next Influencer to Work With on Instagram

Published on 27th of August 2024

Instagram has one of the most attentive audiences among social media platforms, with an engagement rate of 1.6%. Instagram is also the most effective when it comes to brand exposure, with 70% of shoppers saying they're browsing on the platform for their next purchase.

Given these impressive statistics, working with Instagram influencers can be a highly effective strategy. Their followers will likely engage with your brand and shop for your products. However, it's crucial to be strategic with the influencers you work with to achieve your desired results.

Here are some tips to help you find the right influencer for your next Instagram campaign.

Hashtags aren't just for improving your posts' discoverability. You can also use them to search for the top influencers within your niche. You can use the hashtags you normally include in your posts or search for trending hashtags that other brands and content creators use. You can also gather hashtags from websites that collect the most popular ones.

When you enter these hashtags into the search bar, you'll find a “Top Posts” category at the top of the search results page. You can peruse this section and see if there are any influencers you can tap for your next campaign. Instagram updates this section often, so you can check back regularly and search for more potential influencers.

Search for Influencers on the Explore Page

Aside from hashtags, the Explore page is another free and effective way to discover influencers in your field. It's the perfect place to look because it's where Instagram places all the posts you'd find interesting based on your likes and comments. That means the influencers behind these posts are a possible match with your brand.

Another reason to tap the Explore page is the quality of the posts there. When an influencer lands a spot within that coveted area, it's a sign they're putting out quality content with high engagement.

Tap Your Fans and Followers

The best influencers to partner with are those who know about your brand. Even better if they're fans of your products and have been using them for years. The campaign will seem more authentic and less forced that way. Look through your followers and see if there are any influencers you can tap. You can also look at your brand mentions to see if any influencers have raved about your products and would like to work with you.

Do a Google Search of Influencers in Your Niche

If you're having trouble looking for influencers within Instagram, you can take the search outside of the app. Google is one of the easiest ways to search for influencers within your community. If you're a fashion brand, you can search for the "top fashion influencers on Instagram." However, these mega-influencers might already have multiple collaborations scheduled. It's also worth looking for smaller influencers who align with your campaign goals and can accommodate your needs.

Find Interested Influencers Through Job Postings

If you want to find an influencer you can work with regularly, you can post a job listing on your Instagram page, website, and other platforms. Be specific about what you want to achieve with the campaign and how you plan on compensating them. That way, they know what to expect, and those interested can get in touch with you.

Find an Influencer Who Shares Similar Values and Can Help With Your Goals

Because your Instagram influencer represents your brand, your values must align with theirs to avoid any issues or confusion. So before you get into any agreements, define your brand values first. If it's the environment and sustainability you most care about, you should choose an influencer who embodies these values.

It's also crucial to outline the goals you want to achieve with your influencer and identify the type of campaign you want to execute. Do you want to boost sales or increase brand awareness? Would you like to help a new product gain some traction? Find an influencer who has experience in these areas and can deliver the numbers.

Check Their Audience Size and If They Have Authentic Followers

Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better when it comes to Instagram audiences. If an influencer has more than 100,000 followers, they can help with brand awareness. However, they might not be suitable for campaigns that focus on conversion or engagement. If these are your goals, you should consider working with a smaller influencer with 10,000 to 50,000 followers.

Aside from looking at their audience size, it's also essential to check if their followers are real people and not bots. They may have thousands of followers, but they won't do you any good if they can't engage with you. You can look at their comments to check if they have an authentic audience. If the interactions seem automated, there's a chance they might have bought their followers.

Do Plenty of Research on Your Potential Influencers

No matter which method you use to search for potential influencers, it's crucial to do your research before you make your final decision. Read through their bio to see what they do and what values matter to them. Influencers know how to maximize their bios, and you can learn plenty about them through those 150 characters.

It's also vital to browse their Instagram feed and check their brand partners. You’ll find it beneficial if they have experience working in your industry. However, they're not the right fit for you if they frequently work with a direct competitor. It can also be a red flag if their past campaigns with other brands didn't perform well.

The Bottom Line

Finding the right influencer who can represent your brand can be a challenge. It requires a lot of time and skill. But when you find someone who aligns perfectly with your values and goals, you'll see that influencer marketing is worth the money and effort. You can widen your audience, drive engagement, and gain new opportunities for your brand.

Article by Blastup

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