A Refresher on All of Instagram’s Video Formats

A Refresher on All of Instagram’s Video Formats

Published on 23rd of December 2024

Instagram is all about visual elements, including both photos and videos. As the platform adds more video formats, such as Reels, you may find them all blurring together in your mind. Take a moment to refresh your memory on the various types of videos you can use on Instagram.



Instagram Video is the official name for the combination of in-feed video posts and what was previously IGTV. These are posts that you add to your Instagram profile just like you would a photo. You either record them with the built-in Instagram camera or upload a video from your phone’s photo library.

This video format can be as long as 60 minutes. This is much longer than Stories or Reels, giving you the chance to get creative. You can add captions, locations, filters, user tags, and location tags to in-feed videos, just like you would with in-feed photos.

Your followers can like and comment on your in-feed videos. They can also share them in direct messages and Stories.

  • Recommended Video Settings and Size

    Instagram recommends the following specifications for in-feed videos:

    • .MP4 or .MOV files

    • 3 to 60 seconds

    • Ratio of 9:16 (4:5 is also available)

    • Up to 30 MB file size

    • Up to 30 fps frame rate

    • Minimum width of 500 pixels

    • H.264 compression

  • What In-Feed Videos Are Best For

    Use in-feed videos if you want to share long-form content or something that is curated or polished. It is also great for sharing your brand narrative.


Reels are the newest video format on Instagram. These are clips that last 15 to 30 seconds and were inspired by TikTok. Like the other types of videos, you can record an Instagram Reel or upload one.

Reels include access to Instagram’s audio library. You can use timed text, green screen mode, and AR filters, among other features. You can also include hashtags, captions, and product tabs in Reels.

When recording a Reel, you should always opt for vertical portrait mode (9:16). This will ensure your Reel shows up in feeds, the dedicated Profile tab, and the Reels tab. People can comment on, like, or share your Reels in direct messages or Stories.

  • Recommended Video Settings and Size

    Instagram recommends the following specs for Reels:

    • .MP4 or .MOV file

    • 0 to 60 seconds long

    • 500 x 888 pixels

    • Up to 4 GB file size

    • Up to 30 fps frame rate

    • 500 pixels of minimum width

    • H.264 compression

  • What Reels Are Best For

    Reels are an excellent way to reach a new audience. They also make it easy to participate in trends.


Instagram Stories only stick around for 24 hours, after which they disappear. Each Story can be up to 15 seconds long. They were inspired by Snapchat. Stories also let you add interactive elements, including stickers, tags, emojis, and filters.

To record a Story, swipe right on the home screen or tap the plus icon, then choose Stories. Or you can upload a Story from the photos and videos on your phone.

While Stories disappear after 24 hours, there is the option to save them as Highlights. Savvy brands use this to keep their best Stories around. Highlights appear on your profile above the grid and below your bio.

It is also worth noting that you can post direct links in Instagram Stories, something that you can’t do in too many spots on the platform.

  • Recommended Video Settings and Size

    Instagram Story recommendations are similar to those for other video formats, including:

    • A 9:16 ratio (although 4:5 and 16:9 are also supported)

    • 1080 x 1080 pixels minimum

  • What Stories Are Best For

    Instagram stories tend to be best for delivering authenticity or engaging with your followers. They are also great for sharing daily events and news or sharing simple, informal content.


As the name implies, Instagram Live is the option to livestream video on Instagram. This is a popular way for brands to host workshops and interviews. Brands and influencers also commonly use Instagram Live as a way to connect with their audience more closely.

To start an Instagram Live broadcast, you can tap the plus icon or swipe right and then choose Live. You can choose to have your Live stream hosted by one or two accounts. Each stream can last up to four hours.

Conveniently, Instagram Live streams appear first in the Stories bar and have a Live icon to show that you are doing a livestream. After the Live stream, you can share the video for 30 days, at which point Instagram deletes it.

During an Instagram Live, your audience can engage with you with emojis or comments. They can even buy badges that display heart icons. You can moderate comments with keyword filters, pin comments you find extraordinary, or turn off comments entirely.

If you sell physical products, you can also use Live Shopping to tag products and let followers shop from your stream. Non-profits can also use it for fundraising since the format supports donations.

  • Recommended Video Settings and Size

    You can only record Instagram Live videos via the platform’s camera. As such, you don’t have to worry about format, just your internet connection.

  • What Instagram Live Is Best For

    Instagram Live is especially useful for sharing conversations, including with influencers, as well as for interacting with your followers in real-time.

Bonus: Tips for Using Video on Instagram

Now that you are familiar with the various types of videos you can use on Instagram, here are some tips to keep in mind when using video on the platform:

  • Make the first few seconds count to hook your viewers.

  • Opt for vertical orientation to appeal to mobile users.

  • Deliver value with your videos.

  • Include sound and captions in your videos.

  • Post videos consistently.


Use a variety of types of videos on your Instagram page to maximize engagement. Don’t forget to also share photos to add some variety to your feed. With the above information, you should have a better idea of which type of video to use to best deliver your message.

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