Boost Engagement With These Instagram Strategies

Boost Engagement With These Instagram Strategies

Published on 20th of August 2021

A high engagement rate on Instagram provides more than an ego boost. Sure, it feels great when people like and comment on your posts, but the engagement rate also shows that your page is relevant and you have social authority. Plus, it means your audience is interested in what you share. If you’re selling products or services on Instagram, that can lead to an increase in revenue.

Don’t worry if your engagement rate isn’t what it should be. You can incorporate some strategies that will give it a huge boost. Then, you can reap the benefits that come with a high level of engagement on Instagram.

Check out these strategies, and then get to work. Before long, you can teach others how to follow in your footsteps and boost their engagement rates.

Don’t Overwhelm Your Followers
person holding phone

Do you ever get a sudden urge to unfollow someone on Instagram? If so, it’s likely because the account holder posts too often. You are overwhelmed with posts, and you can’t take it anymore. Your followers will feel the same way if you post too often. Once that feeling takes over, they will stop engaging with your posts. They might even stop following your account altogether.

As a general rule, do not post more than three times each day. Many page owners find the sweet spot sits at one to two posts a day. See what your audience responds to and stick to that schedule.

Create Different Types of Content
person holding black Android smartphone

If you were to go back to the beginning of Instagram, you would see a wall of photos since that was all people could post. That’s changed in a big way, though. Now, you can post:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Instagram TV
  • Instagram Reels
  • Instagram Stories

At the very least, create a mixture of photos, videos, and Instagram stories. If possible, include all five types of content on your page. The more you mix it up, the more existing your page will be. That will help you boost engagement.

If you want to boost your engagement levels quickly, engage with other accounts. When you like or comment on posts, the users receive a notification. Often, people will visit the page after getting a notification. If those users like what they see, they’ll engage with your account. This type of reciprocity keeps engagement levels high on Instagram. Keep it up so that you can continue to receive high levels of engagement on everything you publish.

Buy Instagram Likes

If you don’t have enough time to search for posts to engage with, you can buy likes from real Instagram users instead. Then, they will go to your page and like your posts. The process is automatic, and the likes start as soon as you post to the page. This is a huge time saver and can increase your engagement levels dramatically. It’s definitely worth checking out if you don’t want to dedicate a lot of time to building likes on your page.

Host Contests

Hosting contests is another excellent way to boost engagement. You can have people engage with your post as a way to join the contest. For example, you can have people comment and like the post to join. You can even have them tag a friend in the comment section. Play around with different contest offerings to see what works best with your audience. Then, post them regularly so you can get results. Soon, people will realize that you host a lot of contests, and they’ll keep visiting your page to join.

Ask Questions

Some of the most successful Instagram pages use posts to ask questions, and you can do the same. For example, on #MotivationMonday, you can ask your followers what’s keeping them motivated that day. That’s just one example of the various ways you can engage your audience with questions. Make it as fun and simple as possible to get the best results.

Use the Best Hashtags

Hashtags can expand your reach and help you increase engagement. When you use hashtags, people can stumble across your posts when searching for specific categories. Then, if they like what they see, they are likely to engage with it. You can also gain some followers this way.

Choose hashtags that are likely to get searched but don’t have tons of competition. You can see how many people use a hashtag when searching for it on Instagram. If the hashtag is included in millions of posts, skip it and find another one. Find something that has a low level of competition but will be popular with your audience.

Be Authentic
person using black smartphone

Authenticity is a critical component to increasing engagement on Instagram. People are going to tune your account out if it doesn’t look authentic. They won’t engage with it, and before long, it will be buried in the search results. Instead of just posting slick content, let people look behind the curtain. They will reward you by engaging with your posts.

Include Captions on Your Posts

Posts with captions tend to get more engagement on Instagram. Of course, not just any caption will do. You need to create strong captions that showcase your personality. You should also include a call-to-action (CTA) in each caption. Use the CTA to invite people to engage with your content. Be sure to use different CTAs for your posts, though. If you include the same CTA each time, people will stop paying attention. They’ll become desensitized to the words and not notice the CTA anymore.

Start Building Engagement Today

person using Android smartphoneToday is a great time to start increasing engagement on your Instagram posts. When you do this, you’ll notice that your page grows in popularity. You will also attract more followers, which will expand your audience.

Remember, if you don’t have time to do it all by yourself, you can buy Instagram followers. This will help you boost your engagement levels quickly. Then, you can use the other strategies slowly when you have time.

Article by Blastup

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